blind patience
remember how long
you convinced yourself
you were willing to
wait patiently to achieve
what you wanted?
remember how you
told yourself your
patience was a
step towards being a
realized person?
maybe it is,
in some simple-minded
world of
good boys and girls.
really, is that the best
you can do?
being patient isn’t
about being good and
in the future
good things happen.
don’t hold your
the main thing is
you’re willing
to not be wrapped up
in pushing to
solve painful situations
when they aren’t
clear yet.
it’s nothing like
those people whose
noncommittal act is
plain ignoring
things they can’t
call it the wisdom
of no opinion.
that’s a euphemism for
blind patience.
the intelligent kind
is you’re willing to
submit to
the painful aspect
of the situation
and let it become clear
and obvious
what you’re looking
it’s the situation itself
that tells you what to do.
and you can’t wait too long
to do it!
what good
do any of the books
do you when
the time comes?
patience here is
you are willing to know
when to wait
and when not to.
you’re not in a big
fist fight
with your world.
that’s how you
can tell
what’s going on.
you’re not waiting for
somebody else to
tell you.
that never happens.